Enrollment is Rising at UTRGV as Well as Tuition

Enrollment is Rising at UTRGV as Well as Tuition

UTRGV’s enrollment was record breaking last week, while at the same time, students across the campus also noticed a rise in tuition. Vice President for Strategic Enrollment Maggie Hinojosa explains the admission reports for this semester, as well as exactly how UTRGV compares financially to outside universities. 

“So today we are at 29,712 students. What I can say is we try to really minimize the tuition increase as we became UTRGV.”

Hinojosa reported that all students have a guaranteed 4-year tuition price when entering, therefore not all students returning on campus are being affected by these changes. 

“When a student enters UTRGV their tuition is guaranteed for the next four years. Although tuition from Fall 2017 to Fall 2018 went up by 113 dollars, it was the students that entered Fall of 18 that paid that, none of the other students did.”

Though this guaranteed price applies to many students, Communications Senior Fernando Cruz still believe these changes are not fair to the incoming freshman. 

“I don’t think it’s fair to the students coming up, its discouraging as well, knowing you have to pay an extra may seem miniscule to some people, but for some it’s everything for them.”

As of today, UTRGV is still ranked the second-best bang for your buck university in the south, according to the Washington monthly magazine.

This is Jerry Galindo for UTRGV Radio News.