Student, Professor Speak About Edinburg Shuttle Conflict

Student, Professor Speak About Edinburg Shuttle Conflict

One week in to the Fall semester, and shuttle transportation has already caused issues, An incident that happened on The Edinburg campus has students concerned. 

This passed Thursday a Facebook post was made on UTRGV Students, regarding a student being threatened by a professor. Students on the page had a lot to say on the matter.

Biomedical Science Junior Jaqueline Cantu was the victim of the incident.

“And he’s like ‘hey where are you going?’ and I’m like ‘oh I’m sorry its because the bus is leaving in five minutes. And he’s like ‘bus for what?’ and as soon as I approach the door to walk out he says ‘if you leave I am going to drop you!”

After deciding to stay for the remainder of the class, Cantu tried going back to her seat but explains the professor had another idea in mind.

“He’s like ‘no-no-no you are going to sit in the front, right next to the person that has an empty seat right there’ and I am like, ‘okay!”

We spoke to English Lecturer 3 Tomas Guerrero, and asked him what route he takes with Students that take the shuttle going back to Brownsville.

“I don’t want you guys breaking your neck trying to get to my class. I know my class is important, but obviously not as important as your lives. I tell them to keep in contact with me, let me know their situation.”

Jaqueline explains that she understands why the professor did what he did but hopes UTRGV will take further efforts in to making evening bus routes more commutable.

“I think it should change, and I hope it does.  So I do think that it should change.”

Organic Chemistry Assistant Professor Debasish Bandyopadhyay tells us why he took these measures.

“If the student leaves after 35 of 40 minutes then who will be affected? Number one the student concerned who is leaving will be affected, and number two I believe the entire class, the learning environment will be affected.”

We are still pending a reply from Jaqueline Cantu.

Story by Jerry Galindo and Hannah Lopez