School for Asylum Seekers, by Asylum Seekers.

School for Asylum Seekers, by Asylum Seekers.
Photo, Sidewalk School

Last August, The Sidewalk School, a non-profit organization began classes for children asylum seekers taught by qualified adult asylum seekers. Sidewalk School Director and American-certified teacher Felicia Rangel Samponaro, explains why she created the school.

There is nothing for the children or the adults to do out there, it’s nothing. Some of the parents started asking about school, a few of the kids started asking about school, and I decided ‘why not try to start a school out there.’

The school meets in the encampment located on the Mexico side of the Brownsville- Matamoros Border. Six asylum seekers teach to a total of 65 students, three times a week, one subject a day. Creator and director of the school says that she wishes to teach five times a week, because of low-funding they are limited to three times a week. 

We would love to go five days a week, but we can’t.  Because we don’t have the money for it.

UTRGV Spanish Senior, Lizette Garcia says that she believes The Sidewalk School is a good opportunity for asylum seeking children to have an education.

It’s really good that they have that program to give children that opportunity, you know like any other child ere in the valley, to have an education. I feel like that’s very crucial to have as a child.

Rangel Samponaro tells Vaquero News that The Sidewalk School only gives students healthy food in order to keep their teeth, body and minds healthy. To learn how to donate to The Sidewalk School visit their website

Reporter Samantha Garza