UTRGV Men’s Basketball took down the RedHawks of Seattle U 79 to 72 at the UTRGV Fieldhouse to increase the winning streak to 5. As UTRGV Graduate student Jordan Jackson and Senior Lesly Varner II explain postgame what has allowed UTRGV to go on this 5-game winning streak.
That 5 in a row?
Jordan Jackson
Five in a row it is.
Lesly Varner II
We are just riding the wave; we love it. It’s a great feeling our moral is at an all-time high. You know coach told us this would happen, and the biggest thing was everybody believing and stuck together as a team through rough patches and came through and we are going to try to keep this thing going as long as we can.
Jordan Jackson
Head Coach Lew Hill also chimes in on his teams high game winning streak: saying he wants to continue challenging his team.
Well we got eight days to get ready for the longhorns so we got a lot of improving to do but hopefully we will continue to do a better job taking care of the basketball. We still had 16 turnovers… way too many but all in all we are getting better each game.”
After the game Junior Guard Amara Graham is already excitedly looking forward to facing Texas at Austin.
I mean it is exciting, last year they came here and that was the biggest game of our season, you know crowd wise, and it was actually a really good game. So I think we can just use last year and how fired up that game was and use that as momentum going into the game I mean we got to go up there but we still need to come out with the same intestacy and bring it.
UTRGV will play against the University of Texas at Austin this Wednesday November 20th, at the Frank C. Erwin Jr. Special Events Center at 11 am. For more updates and highlights visit GOUTRGV.COM
Reporter Luis Rubio