The plan, also called Here for You, is a “differentiating advising program aimed to increase retention and progress toward degree,” according to executive director for student academic success Leslie Jones. Jones explains that the Here For You’s goal is to design an advising program for each student.
It is to understand student’s experience prior to them coming into college, and then designing the advising experience to provide them with the information, the guidance and the support they need in alignment with their goals.
Jones says the quality enhancement plan’s focus for first time college students, but the UTRGV’s advising center is open to all students.
We definitely welcome them to come in with any questions or concerns they might have or even if they just want to make sure they are still on track with their program of study.
Denise Chapa says she liked the idea of advisors reaching out to students, since she doesn’t think she would ask for help.
It sound better, idk because im kinda scared of going to someone. I don’t know I just don’t like talking to people. So im kinda scared going up to someone and asking for help. I rather have them going ‘Yo, you need help?’
According to Jones all academic advisros will go through training to comply to the quality enhancement plan.. To learn more about the Here For You program, visit UTRGV and search ‘Quality Enhancement Plan’.
Reporter Samantha Garza