Ruth Carter Inspires At UTRGV

Ruth Carter Inspires At UTRGV
Photo, Hector Tamez

A collective praise from students and staff is what Academy Award Winner Ruth Carter got during UTRGV’s Distinguished Speakers Series. In 2018, Carter won an Academy Award for best costume design in Marvel’s Black Panther. Making her the first African American to win an Academy Award in that category.

Carter says that the reason she got into Costume Design is because she likes the challenge of bringing characters to life.

I really wanted to participate in how to bring this to life.

Carter explains the difference between being a Costume Designer for a big block buster movie and a small budget movie.

The thing that is always the same is that there is one director. But on bigger movies you are going out to other companies, there’s a lot more people involved in creating the costumes.

During her speech Carter says that she had an interest in theater but was not sure what role was best for her. Carter gives advice to student’s who have multiple interests but are struggling to focus on one.

Do them all but choose one that’s the path you are going to be on. You’ll be surprised that all of those other interests, that you have, are also a part of it. 

UTRGV’s Associate Professor in Costume Design, Jennifer Saxton shares her thoughts about Carter’s speech.

It was a wonderful opportunity for our students to learn from a master of her craft. It was incredibly impowering for the students. It was exciting, I think it’s going to contribute a lot to student success.

Carter is the second speaker of this years Distinguished Speaker Series. The Distinguished Speakers Series is a program ran by Student Activities that invites professionals from around the world to speak to the RGV community.

To submit who you want to see on the Distinguished Speakers Series, email Student Activities at

Reporter Hector Tamez