Last Friday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued three executive orders that will begin to “re-open” the state.
President Donald Trump announced via a news conference last Thursday that each state has the freedom to open the economy by following a three-step model.
Based on the latest data, our team of experts now agrees that we can begin the next front in our war, which we are calling ‘Opening Up America Again’… It’s going to be up to the governors. We are going to work with them, we are going to help them. I think you are going to see quite a few states starting to open.
The executive orders issued by Abbott abide by the first phase.
The first executive order established the Strike Force to Open Texas. Abbott explains what the Strike Force’s duties are.
They will gather information and make recommendations about ways that business can reopen. As well as the safe practices those business should use.
The second executive order allows medical staff to begin surgeries or procedures that are “not medically necessary” on Wednesday. Medical facilities can only do if “it will reserve at least 25% of its hospital capacity for treatment of COVID-19 patients” and “will not request any personal protective equipment from any public source,” according to the news release by the office of the Texas governor.
The Third executive order allows retail stores to operate “retail to go” starting Friday. Abbot announced that state parks will open today, however residents must maintain a six-feet distance from other parties and wear face coverings. All schools are to stay closed for the 2019-2020 academic year, according to Abbott.
Sixth grade reading teacher at David Ybarra Middle School, Guadalupe Ortiz Junior says that she reminds the parents to focus on what is really important.
Regardless we cannot fail the kids. The biggest thing when I call my parents is like ‘how are you doing? I just want to make sure that you guys are okay if you guys need anything let me know.’ I don’t think that this is the end of the world I feel like everyone needs to take a step back and think about what’s really important here, and its not the school work.
Abbot says that next Monday he will announce the next steps and revised guidelines in the efforts to open
To learn more about the executive orders issued by Abbot, visit gov.texas.gov.
Reporter: Samantha Garza