Bars and similar establishments will be allowed to open to 50% capacity as of noon today until at least Nov. 9, according to a news release by Cameron County Judge Eddie Treviño, Jr, issuing the Sixth Amended Emergency Management Order.
The amendment is a result of Gov. Greg Abbot’s Executive Order GA-32 issued on Oct. 7. The order allowed counties with low hospitalization rates to reopen bars to 50% capacity and businesses other than bars to 75% capacity as of Wednesday. The order also states that bars and businesses must enforce health protocols.
In an interview with Vaquero Radio earlier today, Treviño said he was surprised at the details of the order but wanted to get elected officials and health authority input prior to making a decision.
“That’s why when people were asking if I was going to, if we were going to opt-in or opt-out, my response was ‘I don’t know’ we’re going to review it and make as informed decision as we possibly can, collaborating with all of the other elected officials for their input and obviously the health authority,” Treviño said.
In a news conference held earlier today, Treviño reminded businesses and citizens from Cameron County that the curfew of midnight is still in effect. Treviño responded to how the county would handle enforcement of the curfew.
“The law enforcement and city inspectors will be able to enforce the curfew with regards to any violation if they’re open late or staying open late,” Treviño said.
The amended order also stated that there shall be no Halloween activities such as door-to-door trick or treating, direct handing out of treats or parties of 10 or more people of a single household. The order does exempt parties where there is social distancing enforcement and facial coverings.
Treviño expressed his concerns with reopening but added citizens adhered to Labor Day gathering restrictions and did not cause a surge so he believes it can be repeated.
“People need to be very, very careful,” he said. “We’ve asked them to modify their conduct and their daily behavior and they’ve been doing it. I know a great majority have so I’m counting on them to keep doing it.”
Vaquero Radio contacted Hidalgo County for a statement on reopening of bars but was unsuccessful as of this publication.
For Vaquero News, I’m Justin Elizalde.