Celeste Cruz /Vaquero Radio
UTRGV’s Ballet Folklórico held its vibrant tradition of presenting its Huateque performance, sharing the stage with the Brigham Young University International Folk Dance Ensemble.
Ballet Folklórico is a group of 32 dancers that travel to present its program at local, state, national and international levels. BYU International Folk Ensemble is known for its authentic dances and music, touring in over 30 countries.
The Ballet danced to Mexican-style folklórico while BYU presented folk dances from Poland, India, Slovakia, United States, Canada and Indonesia.
Assistant Dance Professor and Director of Ballet Folklórico Miguel Pena said lately the organization has been inviting groups who do not originate from the Rio Grande Valley.
“In the past, we invited local groups, like high schools, private studios, but lately we have been inviting people from out of the country and out of the state, and this year we invited the Brigham Young University to share the stage with us,” Pena said.
He said with the Huateque program, he wants to make the community aware that dance shows artistry and emotional impact.
“With this show, Huateque, we always try to make connections between schools, between people, to make new friends,” Pena said. “And to make people from the Valley aware that there are other dance groups in the area that are pretty pretty good.”
Ballet Folklórico Dancer Savannah Torres highlighted the long hours the organization underwent to prepare for Huateque.
“We did have very long rehearsals,” Torres said. “I think about seven-hour rehearsals for about four days in a row, so it was preparation for this show.”
Ballet Folklórico Dancer Angel Martinez said the cultural performance breaks barriers between people, making it easier to connect with one another.
“It brings more, like, mutual respect within each other … to the point where, like, barriers don’t exist anymore,” Martinez said. “We can communicate [and] be one with each other, regardless of who we are and what we believe in.”
For more information about future performances, follow balletfolkloricoutrgv on Instagram.
This is Celeste Cruz with the story.