Master’s in Fine Arts Student, Josie Del Castillo, is proudly one of the 40 nation wide finalist in the AXA art prize.
Del Castillo describes what she felt when creating “Don’t Touch Me I Am Sensitive.”
“During that time, when I decided to paint that self-portrait, I was going through a lot emotionally, I felt very broken, very sensitive.”
In the self portrait you can see Del Castillo portrayed as a cactus covered in thorns and standing in front of an orange cloudy sky. Del Castillo has the rare chance to showcase her work at San Fransisco, Chicago and New York. The prize for first place is ten thousand dollars and second is five thousand.
Del Castillo encourages Latina women to follow their dreams.
“What happened to me is a great example that it can happen to anybody that is just dedicated. You know? Good things always come to, you know, people who put the hard work.”
Del Castillo says she hopes to save enough money to attend the New York art show in November.
Story by: Samantha Garza