On Thursday, the World Health Organization declared the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak as a Global Health Emergency. According to the Center of Disease Control there are 121 U-S- patients under investigation for possible coronavirus contagion.
Cameron County Health Authority, Dr. James Castillo explains how the Department stay in contact with national organizations to learn about the virus.
And at the same time working with the state and national level authorities the CDC and the Department of State Health Services to learn from them about what is happening with this virus and then passing that knowledge to local state holders…
The U-S- Department of State, has issued a “do not travel” advisory for China last Thursday due to the high health risks.

Assistant Professor and Director of Infectious Surveillance for UTRGV’s School of Medicine, Dr. Jose Maldonado explains how they prepare and prevent through checklists and rehearsals.
[We] are also preparing a checklist, to follow for planning and rehearsals, we are trying to test out the process with a rehearsal before we get any cases, real cases , just in case we do get some cases.
Maldonado says the reason U-T-R-G-V- is preparing through trainings for the coronavirus is that they recognize we live and interconnected world and the spreading of the virus may be unpredictable.
Despite what the World Health Organization says, Physics Graduate Student, Eric Sanchez says he is not worried.
The only reason that is scary right now, I guess is the contagious period, it takes two weeks to appear, but before then is contagious so that factor is scary but as this is not a new virus is not something we should be really scared off.
The World Health Organization recommends to wash your hands, avoid spitting in public and avoid traveling while sick. For more information regarding the coronavirus visit WHO.
Reporter Victor Rivero