Professor Spotlight: Tomas Guerrero

Professor Spotlight: Tomas Guerrero
Photo: Hannah Lopez

Lecturer Tomas Guerrero has been a professor at UTRGV since Spring 2016. Guerrero grew this passion for teaching when he was in graduate school and was taking a course designed to help teacher assistants teach 1301 and 1302 courses. 

Guerrero tells us of a time he was in class and helped a fellow classmate, and explains why that moment gave him the motivation to teach.

[su_quote]“It was that moment and the connection with that class that I kind of had this moment where I want to help students change that, and you know have those people that are afraid of writing or hate writing, and I don’t expect them to love writing at the end of my class but I do want them to feel confident.”

-Tomas Guerrero, Lecturer[/su_quote]

Mexican-American studies junior Mariza Guerra tells us her experience in Guerrero’s class.

[su_quote]“I believe he is the best professor I have had so far. He made me feel comfortable, and he was very approachable. He shared knowledge that has assisted me so far in my two and a half years that I have been here at the University.”

-Mariza Guerra, Mexican-American studies junior[/su_quote]

Aside from teaching, Guerrero helped edit the english textbook “Writing about Writing: A College Reader” and produced a section of the book that details what his courses are going to be like.

Professor Guerrero tells us of a time a student made him a part of a new club.

[su_quote]”A student from the back just pops up and he goes ‘Do you like [Dungeons and Dragons]?’, and I told him I listened to podcasts with them and I’ve heard people play but I’ve never played it myself, but I am interested and he goes: ‘Well ok, you’re our new mentor.’ So, I thought he was joking at the time, but sure enough he started going through the process through V-link to set up this D&D club and I became the sponsor.”

-Tomas Guerrero, Lecturer[/su_quote]

Professor Tomas Guerrero says that he believes all students have the capability to write as long as they come in to the course with an open mind and heart.