The UTRGV Mathematics and Science Academy is now offering courses online. MSA is a program in which high school students enroll from their high school and enroll at the university full time.
[su_quote] “I think it’s great, I think the kids are going to be able to advance they will be able to get college credit while competing their high school education.”[/su_quote]
On May 10th president Donald Trump sent out 68,000 notices to families who have children of high school age stating the program is now offering online courses state wide. Mathematics and Science Academy lecturer Amy Frazier tells UTRGV Radio that before the online classes were offered, they were only available at UTRGV.
[su_quote] “Right MSA to the homeschool students statewide. Because it’s not state wide it is just here in the valley, and maybe I think I heard of one in Houston, or somewhere up there, but now available online to all homebound students.”[/su_quote]
MSA is state funded and offers the students in the program free tuition for 2 years. They can then apply for the MSA scholarship and receive another two years of college fully paid for.
All students interested in applying for the mathematics and science academy must apply online and meet all the requirements.
[su_quote] “They also have to take the prerequisites before they apply for this, they have to take and pass algebra 1, algebra 2, geometry, biology 1, biology 2.”
-Amy Frazier, lecturer[/su_quote]
For more information you can email msa@utrgv.edu