Last week, the Brownsville Student Union hosted Census Roll Call 2020 with the assistance of the US Census Bureau. Event manager at Student Union for UTRGV, Mabel Cortinas, shares the importance of students in the Census.
[every] Person counted, that means more money for teacher’s salary, schools, buildings, infrastructure, roads, we just want people to understand what it is and participate…
The Census Roll Call 2020, consisted of three areas, one dedicated to games about facts of the census, one dedicated for additional information and prizes, and one for the opportunity to participate in the 2020 census through employment.
Fine arts senior at UTRGV, Jorge Abundiz believes the census should be done more often for more accurate information.
I think it would have been better, and more accurate, if it was at a shorter time, like every five or seven years… Why that? To get closer numbers, to understand numbers more… because at 10 years is such a big gap…
According to the US Census Bureau for the first time, the 2020 Census questionnaire, will be offered online. Associate Professor for Political Science, Mark Kaswan shares insight about the two questioners previously used by the census.
So, there’s a short form… asks a very limited number of question. Then there’s the long-form, it is actually fairly long questionnaire that goes into quite a bit of detail… then what the Census Bureau does… then makes assumptions for everybody.
Mark Kaswan also highlights the extreme importance for student’s aid and make sure their families get their count. For more information regarding the census visit 2020census.gov.
Reporter Victor Rivero