The UTRGV Edinburg Campus welcomed Rapper, Actor, Producer, Artist, and Activist Common as a headliner in the Distinguished Speaker Series.
The night was enlightened with Common’s obstacles, realizations, assertions in his belief and faith, and inspirational advice about his perspective as well as what he has learned.
Common began the event by rapping a speech about South Texas, UTRGV, and greatness. Common continued by saying.
“This first pillar to greatness.. It begins with purpose and finding something to love.”
Common explained how the discovery of his purpose is something he loved. According to him, purpose is something that you love doing, it lights a fire in you, it’s something that’s connected to a higher purpose, you feel it in your gut, it’s an instinct.
He continued to discuss the subconscious effect of claiming your purpose.
“Claiming things works in both ways, if you claim something bad, something bad you will become, if you claim the negative, the negative will come towards you, but if you claim the good and what you truly are purposed to do, you will live and become that.”
After his first album failed, Common started expanding and growing to reach his purpose.
Things began to progress as he practiced his belief and started seeing the world and being introduced to new cultures and people.
“Another pillar that is supremely important is belief, because the journey requires strong belief, belief in self…Your words are powerful. What you put after that ‘I am’ is who you are. If you say I am great, thats who you are, if you say I am talented , that’s who you are, if you say I am powerful, that’s who you are, if you say I am a child of God, that’s who you are”
Common states that he felt like an imposter when he started as a rapper and activist because he felt he wasn’t doing much. When he began to focus on real activism work, his life “truly changed.”
Common considers the third pillar to be the act of service.
“But for a real revolution to happen, it’s gonna have to come from you, from the people. Because we know what’s necessary in our environments… it really does start in our homes and with ourselves and our communities.” The greatest among you is the ones who serve
Professor of Political Science Natasha Altema-McNealy had a chance to speak to Common about his social activism. Common iterates that politicians need to “come down to Earth” and humble themselves and do what’s truly good for people. He encourages the people to hold politicians accountable to improve our well-being.
When asked about what he would say to people who are afraid to express their concern for issues they care about, Common had this to say
“We weren’t created in fear, we weren’t born in fear, in our truest moments of who we are, we are not fearful people. Fear is a story being told in our mind. The things that you truly envision for yourself, they’re gonna happen for you.”
According to v-link, the next Distinguished Speaker Series will present Lana Condor virtually on March 2, 2022.
This is Felix Balderas for Vaquero Radio.