Unofficial Results, last updates 11:38PM
Hidalgo County rides the blue wave on election day in the Hidalgo County Courthouse in Edinburg, Texas.
As of 11:38 p.m., with 89.19% of precincts reporting in Hidalgo County, the gubernatorial race between Gov. Greg Abbott and Beto O’Rourke turned in favor of O’Rourke with 76,062 of the votes. Gov. Greg Abbott fell behind with 52,237 of the votes.
The Lieutenant Governor race turned in the favor of Mike Collier with 70,645 of the votes. Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick fell behind with 51,377 of the votes.
Candidates Rochelle Mercedes Garza and Ken Paxton ran for Attorney General with Garza having a significant lead with 79,028 votes and Paxton getting 52,219.
The race for County Judge has a significant difference. Ricardo Cortez has 63.31% of the vote over Esmeralda Flores. Cortez is in the lead with 80,054 votes and Flores’ behind with 46,398 votes.
The Criminal District Attorney race currently shows Terry Palacios leading by a wide margin over Juan Tijerina with 70,864 votes and Tijerina behind with 44,730 of the votes.
Justice 13th Court of Appeals District, Place 3, is taken by Leticia Hinojosa with 61.74% of the votes opposed to Aaron Peña who fell behind with 38.26% of the votes in his favor.