Photo Credited to Han Lei (Linze, Zhangye, Gansu, China) (Link)
People need to be more selective of where they go on vacation. Because while it’s nice to go see Disney and big cities across the world, you’ve only got one shot at life. So in the words of a wise, very muscular man, “I don’t want your five star resorts or your 30 day itineraries, I want bit weird stuff in weird places”. Paraphrasing but my point is made. While places like Paris, Rome, Tokyo and LA are cool to visit, I want and think more people should see the weirder stuff out there.
Now I realize my point is very, privileged so to say. Most people can’t go on vacation often or not at all, so when the chance comes, you take your one shot and go see the Empire State
Building or try Original Joe’s Pizza in New York. But if you’ve got the capital and the time, go see some weird stuff in places you wouldn’t expect.
There is so much amazing, off the wall things out in the world that you would not expect. Right now there is a pink lake in Australia that you can visit. Lake Hillier, you can fly to it or walk and swim in a pink lake. How many people can say they’ve done that? Like only a handful of people in the world. In the Sahara, there is something called the “Eye of the Sahara” or a Richat Structure which is a shock of blue and black rock in the middle of a sea of sand. It’s beautiful to see and witness. Bit harder to get to but breathe taking to see.
You want more weird stuff? Lake Natron in Africa. Lake of almost pure red that is deadly to most life except Flamingos. Even more? Chinese Color Park aka the Zhangye National Geopark aka the RAINBOW MOUNTAINS. Like something out of an alien world and makes rocks look delicious. Weirdest yet? The Salt Flat in Bolivia aka the Salar De Uyani. Like walking on the sky.
That’s not even getting into all the food or cultures you can interact with? There are places in the world with animals and people that would blow your mind if you could only know about them. Places that you would never even know about, never even get the chance to see, if only you went out and looked.
If you do go see these places, please be respectful though. We are visitors in a world that doesn’t belong to us or to anyone for that matter. These places and every place needs to be treated with the respect and dignity it deserves. Same with the people and the environment. You don’t own it so please treat it with respect. Because in the words of a not so muscular but also wise man, “You don’t need to own the universe, just see it. That’s ownership enough”.