VIP empowers RGV for a positive change

Ariana Gallardo

The Vaquero Innovation Platform (VIP) is a program that has monthly workshops that allow the people to develop empathy, critical-thinking skills and ideas for any multidisciplinary issues.

Participants in the program have the opportunity to collaborate with others and gain valuable skills in problem solving and innovation. The ultimate goal is to empower individuals to create positive change within their communities.

VIP Lab Coordinator Sylvia Robles said she believes by fostering a culture of innovation, participants can make a lasting impact in the Rio Grande Valley. Through VIP, individuals are encouraged to think outside the box and work together to address complex challenges. 

“The idea is for participants to have a sense of what it takes to solve a real complex issue from a multidisciplinary point of view,” Robles said. “Everyone has a different    perspective and input in a specific problem.”

Robles said she values individuals needs for development and encourages others to use empathy since human thoughts and touch are what make a solution truly innovative and effective.

“I would like to cater for each individual’s needs,” she said. “I care that you step out of the experience with an enriched understanding of what design thinking is; design thinking is a human focus effort. The human touch, that’s what people get through the VIP lab.”

Community Ambassador Christy Gonzalez said the VIP Lab is a place where diverse perspectives come together to create unique solutions that address complex issues. Not only do the workshops help her with her issues, but she also gains an open mind.

“I love being able to talk to people from different disciplines and hear their point of view,” Gonzalez said. “With every new solution, I hear different perspectives, different voices from different people; I have takeaways from the process.” 

Gonzalez emphasizes the importance of collaboration and communication in the VIP Lab.

“Getting people to ideate and be open, and come up with creative solutions, we want to continue the conversation because we are all like minded about making our community better,” she said.

For more information on all upcoming events for the VIP Lab, visit the UTRGV University College website.

This is Ariana Gallardo for Vaquero Radio.