Pete Mendoza

The “Dino Fury” exhibit is back in Gladys Porter Zoo until July 7, bringing the Jurrasic experience with familiar memories and new ones to create.
Gladys Porter Zoo Marketing Coordinator Alejandra Rodriguez said the exhibit will have different dinosaurs and activities.
“We have these life-sized dinosaurs that we’re going to be exhibiting and so the most popular are probably the Tyrannosaurus rex and the stegosaurus and the pteranodon,” Rodriguez said. “And so, there are quite a few different dinosaur shows that we’ll be having.”
She said the exhibit is made to inform the community about prehistoric friends and show a connection between the creatures from the past to the animals in the present.
She said there will be a $5 fee on top of the regular admissions fee for the zoo.
Rodriguez added a lot of work with the zoo departments goes into the “Dino Fury” exhibit.
“They’re a bunch of different departments that are involved in putting together this exhibit,” she said. “Our maintenance staff has been doing an incredible job in preparing the space. Since we’ve also done this exhibit or a version of this exhibit quite a few times, and the staff really is kind of aware of all the different moving parts that need to be done in order to set something like this up.”
The coordinator said the robotic dinosaurs were brought to life by Billing Productions Inc., which is a company that specializes in animatronics for zoos, museums and theme parks. Rodriguez added the exhibit was also made possible by the City of Brownsville and Visit Brownsville.
She said the zoo and its faculty hope to see people enjoy the exhibit and all it has to offer.
“We just want to make sure that the public can make it out to enjoy this exhibit while it’s still here,” Rodriguez said. “It’s a great experience for the whole family and sure to make memories for years to come.”
For more information about the zoo’s latest exhibit, visit
This is Pete Mendoza for Vaquero Radio.