Rodolfo Alvarado

Students and faculty have noticed the use of personal transport vehicles on the Bronc Trail despite it being against the rules in the Edinburg campus, so Vaquero Radio spoke with UTRGV officials about the issue.
As reported by Vaquero Radio during the week of Oct. 3, students such as Computer Engineer Freshman Jose Luis Almaza Jr. and Entrepreneurship Junior Michael Kelly have witnessed people breaking the rule regularly, and according to Computer Technician John J. Rivera, it poses a safety hazard. (print)
Although the signs that are located around Bronc Trail direct those with questions to contact UTRGV Parking and Transportation, Director of Parking Services Pablo Aguilar said that UTRGV Police department is now in charge of enforcing the rule.
“This policy was made by the finance and administrative department,” said Aguilar. “The department according to the policy ‘Violations of this policy may be enforced by the UTRGV Police Department or the Department of Environmental Health Safety and Risk Management.’”
UTRGV Police Department Chief, Adan Cruz said that enforcing the rule is a challenge, and they are doing what’s possible at the moment.
“We’re working to try to get the message out that it is against policy. It’s a safety issue and we’re working on our enforcement,” said Cruz. “We’re gonna get out there, do foot patrol, bike patrol, and do our best to enforce for the safety of the community these policies,”
Cruz said those caught violating the rules can face a variety of different penalties including a warning, citation or even referral to the Dean of Students.
According to the Parking Rules and Regulations, Page 15 states that violators could also be fined up to $15.
If an individual observes someone else violating the rule, they can inform the violator about the rule, contact UTRGV Police or contact the Office of Institutional Compliance, said Agilar.
This is Rodolfo Alvarado for Vaquero Radio.