Celeste Cruz/Vaquero Radio
Greek Life held a fundraiser at the chapel lawn on the Edinburg campus on Tuesday and Thursday to support the Palm Valley Animal Society.
This fundraiser had a twist to it because it was also a competition between the Fraternity and Sorority Life organizations.
Frank Leal, program coordinator for Student Organizations and Fraternity and Sorority Life, explained how the competition works.
“It’s a competition, so the organization that raises the most pennies is the one that does win,” Leal said. “Each of the organizations are here just trying to get people to donate.” 00:23
He mentioned how FSL got inspired to create the Penny Wars fundraiser.
“Palm Valley Animal Shelter [Society] reached out to our office to see if there was any interest in an event,” Leal said.“What we did is we looked at something we did in the past, which was called Penny Wars. It was done a few years ago, maybe like in 2018, 2019 and we decided to revive the event to give it a spin for the organizations to compete and we decided to work with them since they reached out to us.”
Audrey Solis, graduate student assistant for Fraternity and Sorority Life, explained the purpose of the event.
“The purpose of the event is for fraternities and sororities to kind of compete against each other, but also give back to the community,” Solis said.
She explained the different ways the donations will help the animals at Palm Valley Animal Society.
“This is more of a time where, eventually, it is gonna get colder and eventually they’re gonna need blankets, they’re gonna need food, they’re gonna need to buy stuff for the organization,” Solis said.
Ramiro Gonzalez, a work-study student assistant for the Center for Student Involvement, mentioned the organization’s fundraising goal.
“Well, we’ve been speculating … probably $200 in the two days we are gonna be here,” Gonzalez said.
If interested in adopting or fostering an animal, contact or visit Palm Valley Animal Society. To make an online donation, visit https://www.pvastx.org/donate.