What Student Leadership is About

Student Leaders were invited to the panel to answer questions from the UTRGV community about leadership. (The individuals in the photo are as follows from left to right: Vice President of Education for the CEA Samuel Valdez, Road Trip Chair for the Campus Activity Board Audrey Solis, Nursing Major Ambassador Karitza Garcia, Multi-Media Intern for Student Activities Ruben Loza and SGA President Jose Pablo Rojas.) Photo by Rodolfo Alvarado / Vaquero Radio.

The Civic Engagement Alliance (CEA) held their yearly State of the RGV last Wednesday at the Student Union where students were able to interact with their elected leaders and mingle with them.

The event started at around 1:30 p.m. with a panel of student leaders including Student Government Association (SGA) President Jose Pablo Rojas, Multi-media Intern for Student Activities Ruben Loza, Vice President of Education for the CEA Samuel Valdez, Road Trip Chair for the Campus Activity Board Audrey Solis and Nursing Major Ambassador Karitza Garcia.

The panel members were each asked a series of questions as well as questions the audience had for them.

The first question asked to the panel was what their definition of leadership was and had it transformed during their time as student leaders?

The SGA president was the first to respond to the question:

“I thought leadership was self explanatory as it can be…I learned that the best attribute a leader can aspire to is understanding.”

Loza went on to explain that leadership to him isn’t about being flawless.

“A leader is someone who is able to help others, guide them, not make fun of their mistakes but instead helping others.”

One interesting question posed to the panel was how they are able to balance their responsibilities with their social lives.

Garcia had advice to those who may be struggling with balancing work with their personal lives.

“Learn to say no when you have to…know that you’re important and your alone time is important for your own mental health.”

After the panel, students in attendance were invited to a networking event next to the student union theater where they could sit down with the panelists and hold some conversations.

During this portion, Vaquero Radio spoke with Valdez about what he thought could be changed by future student leaders here at UTRGV

“As of right now, maybe being more open to students. I know that there are some attitudes that they feel are not being heard…I just want to make sure that everybody feels welcomed to go to any student leader and they can give their two cents about it.”

For similar events hosted by the CEA visit their V-link page.

This is Rodolfo Alvarado for Vaquero Radio.